Mana management is a huge part of our game now in Mists of Pandaria. Gearing, gemming, enchanting, and spec choices will be pivotal in how your longevity
I don't like writing posts like this - and by that I mean posts where I completely disagree with the direction the development team is going with the priest
I've been pretty quiet as of late on the blog, but I hope to do some more visual posting. Firewalls at work have ramped up preventing me from doing ANY editing
Yes... I am planning on staying up until I hit 90. I am going for Realm First! Priest with a few of my other guildies going for their realm first classes as
Despite having a crazy busy month both in game and out, I've spent some time reading at the official forums, the forums, Twitter, and a number
First I am excited to say that my Goal of Hitting Realm First! Priest was completed! That was only one-upped by the fact that I also shared Realm First! 90 as
Holy Word: Sanctuary has been a spell that has been in flux since its introduction at the start of Cataclysm... and that continues to happen even on the Beta--
Inspired by a post by my good friend Vixsin, I've decided to do a quick Best Practices post. In the interest of full-disclosure, she did toss me an email
Now yes, we know 5.2 is just riddled with tons and tons of AC/DC references all over the internet... so why not one more? Sorry! I have updated my 5.2 guide