Important Comment as of 8/28/2012: This post is updated through 7/30/12, and will be updated after 5.0.4 to reflect the changes from Beta to Live. Additional
With 4.3 comes a substantial buff to Divine Hymn-- baseline. With this improvement, we probably should spend some time to discuss how to work both of our
One of the biggest changes that all healers need to adjust to in Mists is the change to our mana pools, and the impact that will have on our regen. In case
I don't like writing posts like this - and by that I mean posts where I completely disagree with the direction the development team is going with the priest
Part II in my 2-Part series on recapping the Talent Trees, prior to Wrath.HolyOverviewThe main healing tree. Priests are unique when compared to Druids,
Well, Blizzard launched their official Mists of Pandaria Talent Calculator today... just in time for Thanksgiving. The question is: will we have anything to be
One of the things that Avalonna and myself have always said is that we are not Disc Priests or Holy Priests we are Healing Priests. What this means is, of
Bonus points for those who like the Billy Joel reference! With 4.0.6 finally dropped, and subsequently all of the (many) hotfixes, it is time to revisit our
Prayer of Mending is unique in the way it operates. It is completely unlike any other spell that is available to any other classes. Not only can this spell be
Holy Word: Sanctuary has been a spell that has been in flux since its introduction at the start of Cataclysm... and that continues to happen even on the Beta--