Holy Power Auras

Holy Power Auras

These auras will provide you a visual (and optional audio) notification when your Holy Spells are off Cooldown, when you have Serendipity max-stacked, what Chakra state you are in and how much time left you have on your current state. These auras are positioned just above my Grid and below my feet in my current UI. My UI is available for download here.

Prayer of Mending (off cooldown)

Version:4.9; b:0.0431; g:0.8118; icon:Spell_Holy_PrayerOfMendingtga; buffname:Prayer of Mending; x:57; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:14; alpha:0.7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; sound:23; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.18; y:-225; texmode:2; ismounted:0

Holy Words: Chastise/Serenity/Sanctuary (off cooldown)

Version:4.9; b:0.8824; g:0.9098; icon:Spell_Holy_Chastise; buffname:Holy Word; x:112; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:13; alpha:0.7; owntex:true; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.18; y:-225; texmode:2

Circle of Healing (off cooldown)

Version:4.9; b:0.8824; g:0.9098; icon:Spell_Holy_CircleOfRenewal; buffname:Circle of Healing; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:13; alpha:0.7; owntex:true; sound:58; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.18; y:-224; texmode:2

Lightwell (off cooldown)

Version:4.9; b:0.9647; icon:Spell_Holy_SummonLightwell; buffname:Lightwell; r:0.9765; x:167; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:14; alpha:0.7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; sound:23; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.18; y:-225; texmode:2; ismounted:0

Arcane TorrentBlood Elf Only (off cooldown)

Version:4.9; b:0.9647; icon:Spell_Shadow_Teleport; buffname:Arcane Torrent; r:0.9765; x:-111; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:14; alpha:0.7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; sound:23; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.18; y:-225; texmode:2; ismounted:0

Chakra (off cooldown)

Version:4.9; b:0.9412; icon:priest_icon_chakra; buffname:Chakra; x:-56; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:14; alpha:0.7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; sound:23; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; PowerType:0; combat:true; size:0.18; y:-225; texmode:2; ismounted:0

Chakra: Which State and Duration Remaining

Version:4.9; b:0.9804; icon:priest_icon_chakra_blue; buffname:Chakra:; r:0.9843; x:-168; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:14; alpha:0.7; owntex:true; isResting:0; inVehicle:0; sound:23; stacksOperator:=; PowerType:0; size:0.18; y:-225; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.b:0; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.g:0; timer.h:1.25; timer.enabled:true; timer.r:0; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:CENTER; timer.Transparent:true; timer.UseOwnColor:true

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