One of the signature spells for Holy Priests is the ability to use the spell Guardian Spirit. GS is fantastic, however sometimes can require communication to prevent double duty from either the tank’s cooldown or another priest’s cooldown. Up until about a month or so ago, I had been using a macro that whispered my target should I have cast GS on them, letting them no that they have Guardian Spirit and I was watching over them… The downside to this is, should I start mashing my GS keybind and my target is out of range or line of sight, they still received the whisper spam.
Enter the mod: Guardian Spirited.
GuardianSpirited is a mod that provides whisper notification to your target, raid, raidwarning, battleground, yell, say, and/or custom channel that you have used GS on them. GuardianSpirited not only provides them notification when GS has been applied, but it also provides notification when the GS has faded. Making this even more useful it also provides notification should the GS have actually prevented a killing blow, thus not lasting the usual 10 seconds.
- Power Infusion
- Pain Suppression
- Divine Hymn
- Fear Ward
- Shackle
- Ressurection
- Mind Control
This very simple, yet effective mod has proven to be very handy in raids. While some raid members do tend to tease me for spamming the healer channel, deep down they know its valuable information.