**Note the date of this post and stat priorities have changed as the expansion has progressed, talents have changed, and encounters developed** Gearing your
Legen... wait for it.... dary!Orange Loot! Not purple epics... Orange Legendary!Now that we know through many sources that Val'anyr is going to be a Legendary
To fully understand the impact of the 4.3 Gearing System, you need to understand how gearing progression has developed over the years. If you have been
There’s no denying that both leveling and gear acquisition has become drastically easier over the years. It’s become the norm for most players to have one
Mana management is a huge part of our game now in Mists of Pandaria. Gearing, gemming, enchanting, and spec choices will be pivotal in how your longevity
I alluded to some of this in my 3.3 Initial Impressions post, but I wanted to expand upon it a bit. Before I do that, we probably should recap how Tier items