by WOW Priest | Flash Heal
First, I want to introduce everyone to a new article type here at Tales of a Priest: Flash Heal. Flash Heal is a short, quick, and easy to understand post.
by WOW Priest | Flash Heal, Holy
Bonus points for those who like the Billy Joel reference! With 4.0.6 finally dropped, and subsequently all of the (many) hotfixes, it is time to revisit our
by WOW Priest | Flash Heal
An interesting change happened with Meta Gems in 4.3-- one that I don't think anyone saw coming: Ember Shadowspirit Diamond and Burning Shadowspirit Diamonds
by WOW Priest | Flash Heal
We've discussed many consumables and professions as they relate to healing and raiding, so here's a few more. While I considered these non performance tips,
by WOW Priest | Flash Heal
Just a quick note to point out what I'm seeing as a very overlooked potion: Potion of Concentration. Like many of the tools at our disposal, these can be
by WOW Priest | AddOns and UI, Flash Heal
You hear this joke all the time: Oh the game has sound? or I haven't had game sound on in years!!. I know a LOT of folks play the game without the sound on,
by WOW Priest | Flash Heal
We've discussed triage healing in the past, DPS using Lightwells, and using the right spells in the right situations. Does this mean, Do X people, in the
by WOW Priest | Flash Heal
As Ava alluded to in her State of Disc post, Rapture isn't the same as it was back in ICC. Even if your shields all break at the same time you are only going