I have updated my previous post on the Regeneration Tier, to include the latest changes in the beta build (15913). These numbers reflect the buffs to Mindbender
5.0.4 is upon us! Soon we'll be scrambling to do the starter quests and taking our first steps into Pandaria on the live servers. I, for one, am excited. I
Well now that we've seen the visuals of the new Level 90 abilities, (click here) lets take a look at the numbers behind the scenes! First, we need to realize
Holy Word: Sanctuary has been a spell that has been in flux since its introduction at the start of Cataclysm... and that continues to happen even on the Beta--
A large group of beta keys seemed to have been pushed out today... Good news! I has! So, with that said I am going to get right on some Mists of Pandaria
First I am excited to say that my Goal of Hitting Realm First! Priest was completed! That was only one-upped by the fact that I also shared Realm First! 90 as
Important Comment as of 8/28/2012: This post is updated through 7/30/12, and will be updated after 5.0.4 to reflect the changes from Beta to Live. Additional
Well, Blizzard launched their official Mists of Pandaria Talent Calculator today... just in time for Thanksgiving. The question is: will we have anything to be
Mana management is a huge part of our game now in Mists of Pandaria. Gearing, gemming, enchanting, and spec choices will be pivotal in how your longevity
I have to admit, when I saw Rapture be re-introduced in the latest Mists of Pandaria beta build, my heart sank a little. Rapture, at its core, is fundamentally
I spent a good deal of time in beta last weekend. I got myself to the current level cap (which is only 86), and did a good deal of questing. (Which, for the
There's been a lot of discussion regarding Lightwell and Lightspring; which is better and under what circumstances. First and foremost, we all need to keep in
One of the biggest changes that all healers need to adjust to in Mists is the change to our mana pools, and the impact that will have on our regen. In case
The latest beta build gave us an interesting peek into some of the new changes coming our way via glyphs. While a number of these are purely flavor and vanity
Yes... I am planning on staying up until I hit 90. I am going for Realm First! Priest with a few of my other guildies going for their realm first classes as