Ava did a great post a few weeks back called How To Disco With the Lich King, and it has generated some great feedback and questions on the encounter. I do,
Now that I have everyone singing Europe's song Final Countdown - its time to really prepare for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Midnight EST/9PM
I am diverging from my usual posting style to talk about a project that I have been following. I've been following this project from the preliminary talks and
Power Infusion can be a baffling spell to one who doesn’t understand it. Even to those who play priests, understanding how it works, when to use it, who to
Well, WotLK is launching in 7 days (technically 6 days, 11 hours, and 41 minutes at the time of this post) and you can feel it in the air when you log onto the
It is here.World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King is in full force, and I must admit it went a lot smoother than expected. No major server outages, just a